18 Comics Categorized "Uncategorised" (page 2 of 2)

two figures sit on the beach with headphones on listening to a press conference with the prime minster who says \\

Calling the broads home

We were in Mexico laying on the beach listening to a press conference that let us know that things were very serious and that we were coming home…

Two contrasting scenes on top of each other - the top one, a person cheerleading and saying \

And she cried ant-shaped tears….

Early days of the pandemic, I was leading Zoom sessions for faculty cheering them on, letting them know that they could “make the pivot” to online. But really,…

A woman walks through the woods, with headphones on and in her ears she hears, \\

Hello from the other side….of the world.

I needed to get outside and be active for my own mental health early on (and now forever) in the pandemic and sometimes it was a struggle to…

Family camping while burning plane - COVID - is crashing in the background

Call to adventure. COVID calls while we camp

In March 2020, my reading break vacation was cancelled due to COVID lockdown. Instead of flying to Mexico, my family went camping off the grid for a winter…

Teacher sees student with mask below their chin instead of over their mouth and noses.

Wash, rinse, repeat: Mask on, mask off, mask on, mask off …

Every day at work I remind children in at our Elementary school to lift up their masks from under their chins and put the mask over their mouth…

stick figure pushes large button

Pushing buttons

Stick figure is pushing a huge button, again and again and again.

Stick figure falls into hole, knocked over by Covid

Help! I’ve fallen into a hole and I can’t get out.

Covid knocks me into a giant hole that changes the trajectory of my work life at Capilano.

A spiral showing a person walking from stage to stage of the hero\'s journey

Hero’s Journey Spiral

You can find an excellent discussion of Chris Vogler’s version of the hero’s journey — along with an explanation of each stage of this spiral – here. Excerpt:…